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Veracode SCA agent commands

This section lists the primary commands you can use with the Veracode Software Composition Analysis (SCA) agent, as well as arguments you can add to alter the functionality of each command.


Description: activates your Veracode SCA agent with an initialization token and installs an agent.yml file to a directory of your choosing.

Example: $ srcclr activate

You can activate multiple agents on a single machine. In the instance where you are activating a second agent, you will be asked to enter a profile name. This allows the user to identify the agent key with which they are scanning. A suggestion for a profile name is the name of the Workspace associated with the agent.


Description: performs a scan of a supported code repository, outputting vulnerability information for libraries in usage and optionally uploads information to the Veracode Platform. When scanning with an organization-level agent, append a workspace flag and slug after the scan command.

Syntax: you must perform the scan command in the correct syntax for your command tool:

  • CLI:

    • Workspace agent:

      $ srcclr scan --url --{parameter-1} --{parameter-2}
    • Organization-level agent:

      $ srcclr scan --url --ws={workspace slug} --{parameter-1} --{parameter-2}
  • cURL:

    • Workspace agent:

      curl -sSL | sh -s scan --{parameter-1} --{parameter-2}
    • Organization-level agent:

      curl -sSL | sh -s scan --ws={workspace slug} --{parameter-1} --{parameter-2}


  • --ws=: scan using an organization-level agent into a specific workspace. For more information, see About Veracode SCA agent management.

  • --json: output the scan results in JSON format. Add ={filepath} to send the pure JSON output to a specific file. See Scan exports for details on output.

    • Example: $ srcclr scan --json=/my/project
  • --no-graphs: do not include dependency graphs in the JSON output.

  • --allow-dirty: allow scans on repositories which contain differences that are not committed to the project.

  • --install-first: run the install target of your project before analyzing.

  • --unmatched: show coordinates for all unmatched libraries. Unmatched libraries are typically proprietary and unreleased versions of libraries.

  • --skip-compile: Java only. Do not compile the project before analyzing.

  • --loud: show raw build output.

  • --no-upload: prevent scan results from being uploaded to the Veracode Platform.

  • --do-not-collect: specify which information to not collect from git commit logs. Only supports the default value, emails.

  • --quick: perform a quick scan which does not require build tools. A lockfile is required.

  • --uri-as-name: use the exact source code management (SCM) URI as the project name.

  • --url: specify a remote Git URL to scan.

  • --recursive: perform a recursive scan on a directory structure.

  • --ref: use with --url to specify a branch or tag name to scan the specified branch or tag.

    • Example:

      $ srcclr scan --url --ref
  • --scan-collectors: specify which build types to scan, rather than scanning all discovered build systems by default. See Agent scan directives for configuration options.

  • --skip-collectors: specify which build types to skip during the scan, rather than scanning all discovered build systems by default. See Agent scan directives for configuration options.

  • --skip-vms: specify whether to skip vulnerable methods analysis in your repository scan.

    • Example:

      $ srcclr scan /my/project --skip-vms”
  • --scan-analyzers: for container scans, specify which build types to scan, instead of scanning all discovered build tools. See Agent scan directives for configuration options.

  • --skip-analyzers: for container scans, specify which build types to skip during the scan, instead of scanning all discovered build tools. See Agent scan directives for configuration options.

  • --scope: to limit the dependency resolution to dependencies within a specified scope, see Multi-language scan directives see for configuration options.

The Veracode SCA agent also supports scans that include per-scan directives known as scan directives. You can specify scan directives on a per-project basis by placing a srcclr.yml file at the root of the scan.

Here is an example of a srcclr.yml:

    scope: testCompile
gradle_location: ../gradlew
gradle_tasks: clean classes
skip_collectors: gem

This example indicates that we only wish to include dependencies that are in the testCompile scope, or a scope from which testCompile inherits. It specifies that the gradlew file exists in the parent folder, and that we should execute using the clean and classes tasks. Last, it specifies that even though a Gemfile might exist in the repository directory, the agent should skip that particular build system. For details on all the scan directives, see Using scan directives for agent-based scanning.


Description: enables the debug mode on the Veracode SCA agent. This outputs additional information for identifying issues encountered when scanning.

Example: $ srcclr scan --debug


Description: test the environment in which the agent is installed and verify that all requirements for completing a scan for the specified package manager are present.


  • --ant: perform an ANT-based test clone and scan operation.
  • --bower: perform a BOWER-based test clone and scan operation.
  • --cocoapods: perform a COCOAPODS-based test clone and scan operation.
  • --composer: perform a COMPOSER-based test clone and scan operation.
  • --gem: perform a GEM-based test clone and scan operation.
  • --glide: perform a GLIDE-based test clone and scan operation.
  • --go: perform a GO GET-based test clone and scan operation.
  • --godep: perform a GODEP-based test clone and scan operation.
  • --govendor: perform a GOVENDOR-based test clone and scan operation.
  • --gradle: perform a GRADLE-based test clone and scan operation.
  • --ivy: perform a IVY-based test clone and scan operation.
  • --maven: perform a MAVEN-based test clone and scan operation.
  • --npm: perform a NPM-based test clone and scan operation.
  • --pip: perform a PIP-based test clone and scan operation.
  • --sbt: perform a SBT-based test clone and scan operation.
  • --trash: perform a TRASH-based test clone and scan operation.
  • --yarn: perform a YARN-based test clone and scan operation.
  • --nuget: perform a NUGET-based test clone and scan operation.

Example: $ srcclr test --npm


Description: allows the user to list values from their agent.yml file.


  • --get: display a single configuration value
  • --list: display the configuration in its entirety

Example: $ srcclr config --list


Description: use the agent to look up the release and vulnerability information found in the SCA Vulnerability Database for a single library.


  • --json: required. Output the lookup results in JSON format. This is the only available output format of the lookup verb. See About Veracode SCA agent JSON schema for details on output.

  • --coord1: the primary library name in all cases except for type=maven, where the first coordinate identifies the groupId in Maven nomenclature. The case sensitivity of the coord1 depends on whether the underlying registry distinguishes packages by case. PyPI, for example, is not case-sensitive while Maven is case-sensitive. In the case of Go libraries, coord1 should be the domain and top-level package name. For example:

  • --coord2: optional, but required for Maven. If you include type=maven, this specifies the artifactId of the library to lookup.

  • --platform: optional. Specify the target platform of a library located in the registry, such as freebsd or py3, depending on the package and registry used.

  • --type: the type of registry that contains the library one is going to specify using the coord options. Acceptable values are displayed in lookup --help and are as follows:

    • gem to identify a Ruby Gem dependency as one would find on
    • maven to identify a Maven dependency as one would find on
    • npm to identify a JavaScript dependency as one would find on
    • pypi to identify a Python dependency as one would find on
    • cocoapods to identify a CocoaPods dependency as one would find on
    • go to identify a Go dependency as one would find on the common Go repositories such as,,,
    • packagist to identify a PHP dependency as one would find on
    • nuget to identify a .NET dependency as one would find on
  • --version - The version number, as specified in the registry that you identify with the --type parameter, of the library to lookup. For Go, the version can be:

    • A release tag in the library repository
    • A prefix of a commit hash of at least seven digits
    • In v0.0.0-{datetime}-{hash} format


$ srcclr lookup --type=maven --coord1=org.springframework --coord2=spring-core \
--version=4.1.0.RELEASE --json